You probably haven’t heard of Micah P. Hinson. But I sure know who he is. He’s a musician out of Austin, TX who I think is brilliant.

I buy his albums. I check his website frequently. I’m his friend on MySpace.

The quality of his music is what got me to be a fan – that’s true. But I have a connection to him that goes deeper. I’ve emailed back and forth with the guy who runs his website.

Yep – that’s it. That’s all it took to make me happy (sounds a little pathetic, I realize). I emailed a generic email on the site (trying to get some upcoming show dates) – and a guy named Henry wrote me back – that night.

We emailed back and forth about San Francisco. We talked about Micah’s shows in London. We talked about Austin.

My point is – it’s not hard to impress the people who already love you. And if you do, they’ll go to the ends of the earth to promote you, to give you money, to care about what you are doing.

But too many organizations don’t reach out to them. How do you communicate with your die hards? If you’re doing something – you’re doing something right.