Two filmmakers, a graphic designer, an entrepreneur and a fundraiser walk into a room…

No – it’s the not the set up for a silly joke. It’s how I spent a day recently.

As part of a side passion project called Lifeboat, this motley crew got together to film a promotional video. The insights and energy created by the team reminded  me how important it is during the creative process to bring people with different expertise and perspective together to dream, clash and create. Further, it reminded me how important it is to design a collaboration free of ego and full of mutual respect.

To Dream, Clash and Create

I’m a writer and storyteller. I work in words — primarily to create social change. The filmmakers — Ali and Marcus with The Heliograph Project — are visual storytellers. They work in moving images — primarily in the fashion world. The designer — Neal Maher – is also a visual storyteller. But he works in stills — primarily for non profits. And Tim Walker — my life partner and business partner in Lifeboat — is a visionary entrepreneur who sets his aim high and loves to manage teams.

As we all brought our unique experiences together, I was humbled, yet energized about what I didn’t know. And I knew that what we were creating together was going to be better than anything I conceived on my own.

Free of Ego and Full of Respect

How did this strong-willed team not devolve into bickering? We were clear about our roles and responsibilities from the outset. We knew that we all had talents to bring to the table. And we embraced the sheer joy of creating something from nothing.

So, next time you are feeling stuck, think about who would be on your dream motley crew. Bring them together — for a phone call, or a happy hour — and workshop your problem, issue, concern, dream with them. Who knows what might happen when you are all together.